La vie est Belle

Gael serre氏と出会い、彼はとても日本に興味があることを知り和紙を紹介するなど交流がありました。
彼の日本の筆で描く作品にインスパイアされ「La vie est belle!」は制作されました。
2023年5月フランスSèteを訪ねてGael serre氏に会う事が出来Sèteの美しい街を描きました。
In 2020, the worldwide pandemic had limited social communication and dramatically changed it into SNS.
I started Instagram at that time, Then, I met the French artist, Gael serre.
Because I found that he had been very interested in Japanese culture, I introduced him Washi (Japanese traditional handmade paper). and that had deepened our contact.
My artwork “La vie est belle!” has been created inspired by his art style using Japanese-made brushes.
In May 2023, I visited France and could meet him in real life. And I painted the beautiful landscape of Sète.
I hope I can keep sharing the information about Washi as Japanese traditional craftwork from now on. And I’d be delighted if my artwork could encourage a friendly relationship between France and Japan.